Sunday, August 4, 2013

Almost to the Good Part!

Pregnancy: Week 11


        I know, I know, I’m a bad blogger for taking so long to update. I’m sorry. Those of you that have been pregnant will understand (and hopefully the rest of you as well) when I say; I’ve been too queasy and exhausted to do much of anything lately. I’m nearing the 12 week mark, so with any luck, I’ll start feeling better soon.

        Let’s get the usual pregnancy questions out of the way. . . Yes, I’m queasy ALL the time. No, I’m not throwing up (thanking God for that). The main source of my constant state of pukey is acid reflux. I normally take an acid reflux med that stops my stomach from producing too much acid, but it’s not safe for the 1st trimester. Instead, I’ve been taking Zantac and it’s made a huge difference. There were a few weeks where I was in agony. Now, I’m just constantly queasy and have a stomach ache. Eating is hard. Everything sounds gross and hurts my stomach, so when something sounds good, we buy it in mass quantity! It doesn’t help matters that my new super power is having a dog’s sense of smell. I smell everything . . . everything . . . from a mile away. Very few things smell good, but not very many things make me too sick. It’s just a general dislike of most foods and smells because I am so queasy at all times. Add to that a lovely case of indigestion causing me to burp constantly and of course the usual pregnancy constipation. Organic apple juice seems to help with the constipation, but nothing changes the indigestion. I also can’t take my allergy pills so I have a constant runny nose, sinus pain, and a sore throat (that is partly from the reflux).

        I also have to deal with something most pregnant women don’t; shots. When a woman becomes pregnant naturally, she drops an egg and develops a sack on her ovary where the egg came from. This sack is responsible for the all the production of her progesterone. After 12 weeks, the placenta is formed and takes over producing progesterone. Since I didn’t drop an egg, I have to continue supplementing my progesterone until 12 weeks. The needle is 1.5 inches, the med is mixed with oil so it’s very thick and hard to absorb. I am covered in bruises, knots, and Charlie horses on my legs and butt. Have you ever run a race or done some very physical activity where right when you reached the end you fell apart? “I can’t do this anymore! I’m not gonna make it!”, as tears stream down your face? I am to that point. I haven’t cried, but if my doctor told me I had to do an extra week, I’d be able to water the garden with my tears. And the catalyst that makes all of this soooo much more FUN is the HEAT!! Yes, that is just what every person that is sick to their stomach, in unrelenting pain, exhausted and generally uncomfortable wants . . .TO BE HOT!!!

        Normally, I love the summer. Not this year. This year I hate the summer. I dream of fall. In the fall it will be cool. In the fall my allergies won’t bother me. In the fall I’ll have a little belly and I’ll feel like a cute pregnant lady not bloated. In the fall I won’t have to do shots. In the fall I won’t feel like puking all the time!!! In the fall I’ll sleep better because I won’t be sweating and fighting with the fan. The fall is my friend.

        I kn0w it sounds bad, but really, I’m very lucky. I’ve known plenty of women that have been VERY sick during their pregnancies. I may have a high risk pregnancy, but I’m healthy and so is baby, and you can’t beat that! I am blessed! I’ll take the sleepless nights because of my stomach aching. I’ll take all the discomfort and shots and other crap. I’ll take it for this beautiful miracle inside of me. God has blessed me and He will see me through this. I am lucky to have people in my life that here for me, loving me, on this journey. My husband, children, and best friend have all risen to the occasion and are my survival. Anything I need or want; my husband gets, day or night. Anytime I need help, no matter what type, my children run to my call. They never complain or seem bothered. And my best friend’s emotional support is like sitting in my favorite chair; she knows just how to ease my stresses and bring me to a peaceful place. I’m even more blessed to have other friends and a surrogate Mom (mine isn’t in the picture) that would be here for me at a moment’s notice.

        The only great thing about being a high risk pregnancy, is that I get to have ultrasounds every 2 weeks. That is amazing! Most women get 3 per pregnancy. I get to see my baby growing. I’ve seen its heart beating, spine, brain, eye sockets and tiny arms and legs. Because I get to have so many ultrasounds, I get to bring my loved ones with me to share in the excitement. I could not be luckier!

        So, although I’ve got my share of pregnancy obstacles, I’ve got a support system that won’t quit, and a God that is mightier than any hurdle I’ll face. Praise the Lord!

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